Expert Advice - Kazakhstan

HRIC has been closely following the OPCAT implementation in the Republic of Kazakhstan for years and has provided the national stakeholders with variety of expert advice on how best to achieve this.

March 2014

The HRIC has made the individual submission (PDF, 324kB) for the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Kazakhstan.  The HRIC has been closely following and advising on the adoption of the requisite legislation implementing OPCAT in Kazakhstan since 2009 and this submission concerns specifically the obligations of the country under the said instrument.

August 2013

On 2 July 2013 the Law on the Amendments and Additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the matter of the establishment of national preventive mechanisms aimed at the prevention of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment was finally adopted. This law brings Kazakhstan a step closer to fulfilling one of its core obligations which it undertook when it became a party to the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture (OPCAT).
Given the long-standing involvement of the HRIC in supporting the adoption of this law, the Centre has prepared an analysis (PDF, 224kB)‌ of the new law in the light of the obligations arising from the OPCAT.

June 2012

HRIC provided an advice letter (PDF, 191kB) to the Members of the Working Group on Draft Law on the Amendments and Additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the matter of the establishment of national preventive mechanisms aimed at the prevention of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

May 2012

HRIC provided an advice letter (PDF, 134kB) to the Members of the Working Group on Draft Law on the Amendments and Additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the matter of the establishment of national preventive mechanisms aimed at the prevention of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

February 2012

HRIC provided an advice letter (PDF, 136kB) to Mr Berik Imashev, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

September 2011

HRIC provided an advice letter (PDF, 110kB) to Mr Rashid Tusupbekov, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

March 2011

HRIC provided an advice letter (PDF, 123kB) to Ms Saule Mektepbayeva, the Regional Director of the Penal Reform International office in Central Asia.

September 2010

HRIC provided an advice letter (PDF, 132kB) to the Regional OHCHR Office for Central Asia.

July 2009

Dr Elina Steinerte of the OPCAT Research Team of Bristol University was approached by the Legal Policy Research Centre in Kazakhstan to produce a Report on the Existing Mechanisms of Monitoring in Kazakhstan (PDF, 325kB)

The Report was presented by Dr Elina Steinerte during the Roundtable on the 'Perspectives for Development of Public Monitoring of Places of Deprivation of Liberty in Kazakhstan in the Light of the Ratification of the OPCAT' which took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 27th June 2009.


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