Expert Advice - Hungary

June 2011

Dr Elina Steinerte was invited to undertake a research visit undertaken to Budapest, Hungary, between 27-30 June 2011 as part of a project on ‘Preventing Human Rights Abuses in Place of Detention’, which is run by a consortium of organisations led by the Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee (APADOR). The activities undertaken in Hungary as part of this project are led and coordinated by the Hungary Helsinki Committee. The overall objective of the project is preventing human rights abuses in places of detention in Hungary and Romania. In order to achieve this objective, the project aims that the two countries set up and support a functional mechanism to carry out comprehensive monitoring in places of detention and that the prison budget allocation and expenditure are subject to public scrutiny. A report (PDF, 411kB) was delivered in the framework of the first objective. The research visit was aimed at gathering information on the current state of play with the implementation of the OPCAT in Hungary.

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