Expert Advice - Azerbaijan

November 2009

Dr Elina Steinerte and Ms Debra Long were invited by the OSCE mission in Baku (Azerbaijan)  take part in the two day workshop on the Implementation of the OPCAT and the Establishment of the National Preventive Mechanism in Azerbaijan which took place on 25-26th November 2009. The event brought together representatives of the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner, representatives from ministries and other governmental bodies and civil society as well as representatives of the Estonian, Georgian and Polish NPMs. The presentations of Dr Steinerte and Ms Long can be found here:

• Recommendations of the NPMs (PDF, 335kB)

• Preventative Mandate (PDF, 360kB)

• OPCAT History (PDF, 261kB)

• NPM Reports (PDF, 1,341kB)

• Preventative Monitoring (PDF, 3,566kB)

• Role of the SPT (PDF, 2,017kB)

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