Expert Advice - Armenia

December 2008

Dr Elina Steinerte, member of the OPCAT Research Team of Bristol University, was invited to participate as a Council of Europe expert in the seminar organised by the Council of Europe on the compatibility of the Armenian legislation with the requirements of OPCAT, which was held in Yerevan, Armenia, 11-12 December, 2007. The Council of Europe has allowed the publication of the Report/Presentation (PDF, 144kB)  by Dr Steinerte prior to the seminar as well as of her Armenian Follow up (PDF, 80kB)  which was produced after the mission.

DISCLAIMER: These two documents only reflect the authors' opinions and not necessarily those of the Council of Europe. They may not under any circumstances be used as a basis for any official interpretation that may be used, in the light of the legal instruments mentioned, in proceedings against the governments of the member states, the statutory organs of the Council of Europe or any other body set up under the European Convention on Human Rights.

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