National Human Rights Institutions

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) have a key role to play in promoting and monitoring the implementation of human rights standards at the domestic level and are therefore key stakeholders for the HRIC. The HRIC in many of its projects works in close collaboration with NHRIs. In addition, the HRIC undertakes specific projects focused on assisting NHRIs to strengthen their policies, practices, and strategies on implementation.

The HRIC’s core activities in relation to NHRIs includes:

  • Providing training to NHRIs to strengthen their role in assisting implementation
  • Developing guidelines for NHRIs in implementing treaty body decisions
  • Participating in key events examining the role of NHRIs
  • Organising conferences and seminars for NHRIs
  • Developing policy papers and publications on issues relating to NHRIs
  • Providing expert advice to assist with the designation and effective functioning of National Preventive Mechanisms established in conformity with the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture

The HRIC’s work in relation to NHRIs includes:

The Centre has examined the roles National Human Rights Institutions in Europe play in dispute resolution through a University of Essex and Oxford Brookes University-led project funded by the Nuffield Foundation ‘The role of National Human Rights Institutions in Providing Access to justice’. The outcome of this project will be a report and set of recommendations, presented as guidelines for NHRIs on dispute resolution.

Prof Murray worked with the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) to produce guidelines for NHRIs in monitoring the implementation of decisions of the African human rights bodies:

The HRIC and its staff have previously, through funding from the UK FCO, worked with the OHCHR and Egyptian National Council on Human Rights to deliver seminars in Cairo.

More Information

For more information on this theme, please contact Professor Rachel Murray. 


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