Professor Philip Syrpis

Professor Philip Syrpis has been active in the debate around Brexit, both before and after the referendum. Before the referendum, he chaired a debate with an audience of over 900 in the Great Hall of the Wills Memorial Building (the panellists were Daniel Hannan MEP, Will Hutton, Molly Scott-Cato MEP, and Graham Stringer MP), and acted as a panellist at an Institute of Directors event at the University of the West of England.

Since the debate, Professor Philip Syrpis has spoken at a range of events, including at the Industrial Law Society, in both Bristol and Manchester; and at an ESRC/UKiCE event (with Jo Hunt and the Welsh Government), as part of the EU Wales Exchange programme, in Cardiff.

Professor Philip Syrpis has written widely on the process of withdrawing from the EU (see below), and has submitted written evidence to the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee. He has also appeared on BBC Bristol and LBC, and was an invited participant on The Guardian’s ‘Brexit Means…’ Podcast in December.

Professor Philip Syrpis coordinated the School of Law’s response to Brexit, and has been involved in a series of Brexit events within the University as the legal and policy landscape evolves. 

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