Professor Eirik Bjorge

Professor Eirik Bjorge submitted evidence, co-written with Arabella Lang (Senior Researcher, House of Commons Library) and Dr Ewan Smith (University of Oxford) to the House of Lords committee. This was also cited in a House of Commons report, titled ‘Treaties, Brexit, and the Constitution’.

Together with co-authors Arabella Lang and Ewan Smith, Professor Bjorge appeared in Parliament in December 2018 to give a presentation called ‘Treaties and Brexit’ as well as making a submission regarding treaty scrutiny to the House of Commons as well as making a submission regarding treaty scrutiny to the House of Lords Constitution Committee, together with Jill Barrett (Queen Mary).

He has given numerous newspaper interviews on the constitutional aspects of Brexit.

In November 2018 Professor Eirik Bjorge participated on a panel at the Centre for European Law, King's College London, together with Antoinette Sandbach MP and chaired by Professor Carl Baudenbacher, commenting on a talk given by Professor Mads Andenas QC. The lecture, entitled "The EEA: Iceberg or Lifeboat?", explored the prospects and utility of a Norway model for the UK after Brexit, and made the case that should the UK and EU envisage British EEA/EFTA membership, then Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland would agree to it.

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