International deposit refunds - taught master's

This information refers only to applicants who have paid a deposit for a taught master's programme at the University.

The University policy regarding deposit refunds, which was made available to you at the time of your offer, is stated in the International Deposit Refunds Policy.

Applying for a refund

To apply for a refund of your deposit, use the Deposit Refund Form 2025 (Office document, 1,002kB) and nominate the category under which you wish your application to be assessed. This will be either because you have failed to meet our academic entry criteria, or because your visa was refused. You are not eligible to claim a refund if you have failed to meet any English language conditions required for your programme of study.

Refunds will only be made in the circumstances set out in the International Deposit Refunds Policy and no other reasons can be considered. 

Documentation required

Documentation is required to support your application. You must be able to produce a transcript or proof of results to show that you did not meet the conditions of your offer or a visa refusal notice to show your visa was refused.


Your completed application form must be submitted to before 5 pm on 16 November in your year of entry.

Refund decision date

Your request for a refund will be considered between 1 November and 1 December, and you will be told whether your application for a refund was successful after this period. 

Where possible, a reverse transaction on the original credit card will be performed after 1 December. Where this option has expired, you will be asked for alternative bank details in the name of the original payer of the fees.

There are strict financial regulations regarding how this payment can be made. We will try to refund your deposit as quickly as possible given the specific options available.

If your refund application is approved, the University will retain an administration fee of GBP 200 that will be deducted from the amount refunded to you.