Bristol Benjamin Meaker Follow-On Fund Visiting Researcher Dr Tanveer Ahmed Naveed, University of Gujrat, Pakistan

Tanveer Naveed 2Multidimensional Child Poverty in Pakistan: Measurement and Methodology

1 June - 30 June 2024


Dr Naveed holds the post of the Director of the Poverty Research Centre at the University of Gujrat, Pakistan. He has 15 years of teaching experience at the University of Gujrat, he is renowned for his expertise in researching issues related to poverty, inequality, and human development.

His academic journey began with the pursuit of an MSc and MPhil degrees in Economics from the International Islamic University, Islamabad. He furthered his education by earning a PhD from the University of Gujrat, where he investigated into issues surrounding child poverty, economic disparities, and human development. Dr. Naveed embarked on a Visiting Postgraduate Research (PGR) program at the University of Bristol, UK, followed by a post-doctoral experience at the School of Policy Studies, University of Bristol. These experiences provided him with invaluable insights and methodologies to dig deeper into his research interests. His research interests are centered on the construction of reliable and valid measures to assess household-level assets, health, education, and overall human development indices. His research work also particularly focused on constructing rigorous measures for child poverty, consensual poverty, and multidimensional poverty in low- and middle-income countries.

Throughout his career, Dr. Naveed has received several honors, scholarships, and awards, highlighting the impact of his contributions. Worth mentioning among these are the Bristol Next Generation Visiting Researcher Fellowship award, the HEC-IRSIP Scholarship for the School of Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, and HEC-Pak international scholarships for esteemed institutions such as the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, CASS Business School in London, University of Vienna, and the University of Valencia. His dedication to social innovation and educational outreach has been further recognised through awards such as the South Asian Triple Helix Association Award & Gold Medal 2016, as well as the Benazir Excellence Award in 2015, KIPS Gallantry Award 2021 on community outreach projects for Orphan Children.

Along with his individual achievements, Dr. Naveed has been involved in research projects on child poverty (funded by UNICEF-Pak), non-income determinants of human development (funded by HEC-Pak), and earthquake aftermaths in Pakistan (funded by UNISDR). As an output, he has authored over 25 peer-reviewed publications, supervised over 30 research theses, and worked as a reviewer for esteemed international journals, including Social Indicators Research and PJSI. He is highly skilful in using statistical software packages such as SPSS, STATA, and EViews; he holds the ability to analyze complex economic phenomena and generate meaningful insights.

Dr Naveed is also known for his volunteer charity work; he is the CEO of Cares Pakistan Welfare Society. In Pakistan, millions of children are out of school, suffering from malnourishment, and not having basic child rights. He set up Cares Pakistan Welfare Society in 2010 and raised his voice against the exploitation of children's rights. He is sponsoring the education of orphan children, helping vulnerable girls to complete their education, combating hunger, striving to improve the living conditions of orphans and putting efforts to develop livelihood projects for widows. Thousands of children in district Gujrat have benefited so far from his community outreach projects and initiatives. He has received a Gold Medal from the Triple Helix Association (South Asia Chapter) and a KIPS Gallantry Award for his volunteer work for children.

Project Summary

"Multidimensional Child Poverty in Pakistan: Measurement and Methodology" is a pioneering research initiative led by Professor David Gordon from the Bristol Poverty Institute at the University of Bristol (UoB), with a significant contribution from Dr. Tanveer Ahmed Naveed. This project addresses the complex challenges children in Pakistan face by developing comprehensive poverty measures beyond income-based metrics. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and rigorous data analysis, we aim to provide policymakers with actionable insights to effectively address the multifaceted dimensions of child poverty in Pakistan, ultimately contributing to inclusive and sustainable development efforts.

Bristol Benjamin Meaker Visiting Researchers Follow-on Fund provides an invaluable opportunity to expand and deepen collaboration between the Poverty Research Centre at the University of Gujrat (UoG) and the Bristol Poverty Institute at the University of Bristol (UoB), led by Dr. Tanveer Ahmed Naveed and Professor David Gordon, respectively. This visit aims to achieve the following objectives and outcomes.

1. Strengthen Collaboration: The visit will foster closer ties between UoG and UoB, facilitating joint research projects and skills development initiatives and exploring opportunities for student/faculty exchange programs. By leveraging complementary expertise, both institutions can enhance their research capacities and address complex challenges more effectively.

2. Proposal Development: Dr. Naveed and Prof. Gordon will collaborate on developing a proposal focusing on asset index construction and measuring economic disparities in South Asian countries. This proposal will contribute to a deeper understanding of economic inequalities in the region and inform evidence-based policy interventions.

3. Joint Paper on Consensual Poverty Measurement: Building on initial analyses conducted during previous visits, the researchers will develop and submit a joint paper on Consensual Poverty Measurement using data from Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). This paper will serve as a basis for a proposal to UNICEF-Pakistan, aiming to improve child poverty estimates through consensual deprivation measurement approaches.

4. Joint Paper on Economic Disparities: Utilizing data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006 (MICS06), Dr. Naveed and Prof. Gordon will collaborate on a joint paper examining economic disparities in Pakistan across its provinces. This paper will provide valuable insights into regional inequalities and inform targeted policy interventions to address economic disparities.

5. Proposal on Environmental Vulnerabilities and Poverty: The visit will also involve the development of a joint proposal focusing on Environmental Vulnerabilities and Poverty in Pakistan. This proposal aims to address the intersection of environmental challenges and poverty, proposing sustainable solutions to mitigate vulnerabilities and promote inclusive development.

One Seminar on Assessing Child Health Disparities: Evidence from a Household-Based Health Index in Punjab, Pakistan, for UoB graduate students and colleagues from the School for Policy Studies, Economics, SPAIS and MMB.

Date and venue TBC

Dr Naveed is hosted by Professor David Gordon in the School of Policy Studies. 

Details of Dr Naveed's seminar will be listed on our Events page in due course. You can also contact Dr Naveed's host for further information.