Open talk: 'Impact of early childhood exposure to fluoride on child development'

22 October 2024, 12.30 PM - 22 October 2024, 1.30 PM

Bristol Next Generation Visiting Researcher Dr Diep Ha, The University of Queensland, Australia

Bristol Dental School cafe area

Bristol Next Generation Visiting Researcher Dr Diep Ha is a Senior Research Fellow at the Population Oral Health at UQ (POHUQ), School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Australia. Dr Ha is visiting Bristol to collaborate with Professor Sam Leary on the project Improving child oral health through longitudinal birth cohort research.

Early life use of fluoride is important in preventing dental caries. However, there are concerns about potential effects of fluoride on child development. The longitudinal Australia-wide Tooth for Health study has investigated such potential effects.

This talk is open to all staff and students.

Dr Diep's web profile page

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