Dental talk: 'Early life determinants of child oral health - evidence of the SMILE birth cohort study'

13 November 2024, 1.00 PM - 13 November 2024, 2.00 PM

Bristol Next Generation Visiting Researcher Dr Diep Ha, The University of Queensland, Australia

Bristol Dental School, room TBC

Bristol Next Generation Visiting Researcher Dr Diep Ha is a Senior Research Fellow at the Population Oral Health at UQ (POHUQ), School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Australia. Dr Ha is visiting Bristol to collaborate with Professor Sam Leary on the project Improving child oral health through longitudinal birth cohort research.

The first years of life are a critical period in child development and health. Recent research has suggested that the roots of chronic conditions such as dental caries need to be traced back to as early in life as possible. Variations in health and development exist in the early years of life, that while small in comparison with those amongst adults, can lead to substantial divergence in health trajectories later in life.

The Study of Mothers’ and Infants’ Life Events Affecting Oral Health (SMILE) is a 10-year running population-based birth cohort in oral health in Australia. Key investigators of the SMILE include Dr Diep Ha of University of Queensland and Professor Sam Leary of University of Bristol. The SMILE has produced comprehensive analysis of impact of early life factors such as intake of free sugars, socioeconomic status and social support on children’s oral health, collected at age two, five and eight years. This talk will present SMILE’s key findings and discuss potential implications for child oral health.

This talk is part of the Bristol Dental School Monthly Research Group meeting.

Dr Diep's web profile page

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