Research Development International Collaboration Awards

The new Research Development International (RDI) Collaboration Awards are designed to catalyse, support and advance collaborative research development between University of Bristol academics and colleagues from around the world, resulting in high quality research outcomes and impacts (e.g. joint funding bids and co-authored publications). The awards should be viewed as part of the first phase of funding that will enable longer-term research collaborations between the University of Bristol and international collaborators.

What activities does the scheme support?

Who can apply?

What level of funding is available?

When can I apply?

You must read the call specification before starting your application, paying particular attention to eligibility requirements, application guidance, and conditions of funding:

 For all queries, please contact the Research Development International team via 


"With thanks to funds from Research Development International, I was able to deliver a collaborative workshop with colleagues from the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN), the National Composites Centre (NCC) and the Bristol Composites Institute (BCI). We enjoyed a fantastic day of fascinating and very productive conversations. Bringing together these colleagues has been incredibly useful on all sides and has confirmed our strong desire to work together to build further collaborations."

Dr Laura Pickard, School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering, University of Bristol