Bristol Benjamin Meaker Follow-on Fund

Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professors and Bristol ‘Next Generation’ Visiting Researcher awards are intended to cultivate relationships between individuals and institutions, and we would therefore also expect these relationships to continue to grow and develop after the award. To help facilitate this we have launched our Bristol Benjamin Meaker Visiting Researchers Follow-on Fund. This funding can be used for:

In both cases visits should be designed to directly expand upon the developments made in the first visit and produce specific, tangible outcomes, such as funding bids, policy briefings, and/or international co-authored publications.

Applicants must ensure they have familiarised themselves with the Bristol Benjamin Meaker Follow-on Fund call specification (below) prior to commencing their application, paying particular attention to eligibility requirements, application guidance, and conditions of funding.

This call is currently open to partners who have successfully completed a BBMDVP or Next Generation visit within the last 24 months. The application must be submitted by the same individuals who were named as Visitor and UoB Host on the original application.

This call has no fixed deadlines. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all available funds have been allocated. To apply, you simply need to email a completed application form in a single PDF document to Please ensure that your application is written for a general audience, avoiding overly technical detail which would be inaccessible to a non-specialist.

The review panel meet every month. The review process usually takes around two to three weeks.  Exceptionally, where an urgent need for a quicker turnaround can be demonstrated, we can attempt to accommodate this where possible; however, this cannot be guaranteed. Please contact the IRD team prior to submitting an application with an exceptional request, to avoid disappointment

Applicants should note that all application forms require sign off from their Head of School before the application can be submitted (Section D: School Declaration and Approval), and that the HoS will also need to give approval in Worktribe. We recommend that applicants contact their HoS with their intention to submit in advance in order to give them prior notification of the above requirements.