The Lung Cancer Prediction Group

The Lung Cancer Prediction Group is a collaboration of multiple partners including the University of Bristol, the University of Manchester, the Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire (SWAG) Cancer Operational Group, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The group aims to leverage genetic, epigenetic and proteomic biomarkers from peripheral blood to classify lung cancer-related phenotypes and aid risk stratification. 

Our current focus is on predicting early-stage malignancy in high-risk individuals (particularly those in lower socioeconomic areas). To this end, we are developing a biomarker panel to predict lung nodule size and presence vs absence of malignancy. Alongside routine questionnaire data, we propose that biomolecular prediction of lung cancer will refine the definition of a high-risk individual. Our ultimate aim is to progress toward a rapid, affordable and accurate blood-based test which can translate to clinic. Such a test may eventually streamline the clinical referral process and optimise the value of CT screening vs active monitoring in high-risk populations. 

Please contact Dr Ryan Langdon ( for more information. 

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