Registration and abstract submission

Registration and abstract submission for the scientific symposium is now closed.

We recommend early registration. Early bird rates are available until 14 September 2015 when abstract submission will close.

Places are limited to 200 on a first registered, first served basis.

Registration rates

  • Student early bird rate, until 14 September: £5
  • Standard rate, after 14 September: £15

The price of registration includes access to all scientific sessions, lunch, and coffee breaks and wine tasting.

It also includes coach transfers for students from Cardiff, Exeter and Plymouth.

Registration is via the University of Bristol's Online Shop and payment is by credit or debit card only in GB pounds.

You can submit your abstract at the point of registration. You can also choose to submit at a later date at no extra charge. In which case, you will receive a registration code by email which you should retain for submission.

If you have any queries about the registration process, please email

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be 350 words in length. Your research should fit into one of the categories below, but if not, please tick the ‘Other’ box on the registration form.

  • Theme 1: Cancer, Immunology & Infection
  • Theme 2: Cardiorespiratory, Endocrine & Neuroscience
  • Theme 3: Epidemiology, GP and Global Health
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