The Staff development (Teaching & Learning) workstream is led by Professor Astrid Linthorst, who is the Faculty Education Director for Postgraduate Taught Studies and the Programme Director for the MSc Molecular Neuroscience.

The aims of the Staff Development workstream are to:

  • Provide staff with a wide range of opportunities to develop their teaching practice and skills and to get up to speed with the major advances in education and student experience.
  • Support staff in the educational aspects of their career development.
  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning and student experience in health sciences education by creating opportunities for staff to engage with a variety of scholarship opportunities.


  • Organisation of seminars, journal clubs and workshops.
  • During 2023-2024, the Faculty via the Centre for Health Sciences Education, have sponsored a substantial number of staff to attend educational conferences and to disseminate the results of their educational research. From the academic year 24/25, this sponsorship will be provided via the Schools in the Faculty. 
  • An important part of the work of the Staff Development workstream consists of organising the Annual Conference since 2016. Every conference has a specific focus; examples are student well-being and resilience, developing professional identity, inclusive teaching and exploring unconscious bias, educational research, inclusive teaching and learning by design.
  • Offering mentorship for staff to support them in developing the educational aspects of their academic career.

How can you contribute?

Please do attend the sessions and the conference we organise, the more input and discussion the better. We very much welcome suggestions for our activities. If you know a great speaker or have some fascinating educational research you want to share, please let us know! Also, if you come across development opportunities or think of a thought-provoking theme or session for an Annual Conference, we would like to hear from you.

Please drop an email to


Quote:"The Annual CHSE conference is for me one of the highlights of the year. I learn so much from colleagues during that day and I always leave with many new ideas for my teaching practice." Astrid Linthorst

Events Archive

You can view information about events that have been previously run in Blackboard. All ordinary and honorary staff are periodically added to the Blackboard course but if you find that you are unable to access the course, please contact us for help.

We regularly add content so if you have been unable to attend a session or would like to look back at the content from a topic that you were particularly interested in, please log into Blackboard.

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