Assessment and feedback
The Assessment and Feedback Group is co-led by Dr Judith Fox (Medical School) and Prof Sheena Warman (Vet School). The aim of the group is to share good practice and identify areas for improvement across the programmes such that Health Sciences at the University of Bristol is at the leading edge of practice and development in health professions assessment and feedback. We are always interested to hear from colleagues who would like to be involved with our work: please contact us via email or
The Assessment and Feedback group has hosted symposia on topics such as feedback, workplace-based assessments, student progression requirements and inclusive assessment. We create networks of expertise and areas of interest across the Faculty, with a focus on School-level action that can enhance students' and colleagues' experiences of assessment processes. Outcomes include the introduction of OSCE software across the Schools, feedback training for colleagues, and design and dissemination of "Feedback Conversation" posters.
Previous achievements
Include the recruitment of a Faculty Psychometrician, Dr Linda Hollen, whose work helps ensure the quality and development of our assessment processes. In 2018, we led the Bristol Institute of Learning and Teaching (BILT)-funded "LeapForward" project. This project aimed to evaluate and improve feedback and feedforward practices within undergraduate Health Sciences programmes (BVSc, MBChB, BDS), as well as MSc Social Work, and BA Theatre and Performance Studies, with a focus on transition to the workplace. A full project report and resources are available via this link. Our work was published here.
Bristol Institute for Teaching and Learning
The Bristol Institute for Teaching and Learning (BILT) have further information and resources about assessment on their website.
This includes a resource that has been created by the University of Bristol and summarises the key points covered in the BILT assessment workshop which took place in September 2017. Direct access is also available here.