CHSE Philosophy
The Faculty of Health Sciences’ Centre for Health Sciences Education (CHSE) aims to promote and support innovation and excellence in education and educational research. We support the design, delivery and evaluation of research-rich, innovative and inclusive education in line with the University Education Strategy. CHSE activities align with other Higher Education and university initiatives such as:
Teaching Enhancement Framework (TEF/HE)
TESTA (Transforming Student Experience Through Assessment/UoB)
Curriculum Enhancement Framework (UoB)
Periodic Programme Review (UoB)
Promotions and Progressions criteria (UoB/HR)
CHSE Objectives
Key priorities are to:
Improve the quality of teaching and learning in health sciences education and have a positive impact on the effectiveness of educational practitioners in the health professions and health science topics more broadly.
Examine the main principles and issues involved in effective teaching and learning both generically and with specific reference to work in the health professions.
Evaluate how assessment plays a key role in learning as well as reviewing the social role of assessment, and motivation/personality as it relates to educational assessment. Share theory and practice on workplace-based assessment, as well as values-based assessment of such qualities as professional attitudes, including selection methods.
Disseminate best practices by being more informed about educational issues and methods and by encouraging discussion about these in the workplace and the educational institutions with which they are involved.
Evaluate and research our educational provision across the faculty.
Stimulate staff to undertake educational research and discuss educational research methodology and outcomes.
Provide PhD opportunities in the field of educational research.
The values in our Centre emulate the codes of practice of the regulatory bodies that govern many of our professional lives, for example:
Common themes within these codes and standards relate to patient safety, professionalism, lifelong learning, reflective practice and leadership. These are also reflected in the Core Values of the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME):
Promote quality and safety of care
Demonstrate professional identity and integrity
Be committed to scholarship and reflection in medical education
Demonstrate respect for others
These values unite those of the statutory and regulatory bodies with those represented in the standards for Higher Education set out by organisations such as Advance HE .
CHSE functions
CHSE also offers a range of professional development activities in which there are three established key workstreams:
Staff development (Teaching and Learning)
Assessment and feedback
Educational research and evaluation
Each workstream is supported by a group of academic and professional services colleagues. The workstreams meet regularly and attend the CHSE Board meetings to disseminate information pertinent to their topics of work or research.The workstream aims and objectives can be found on the website. The CHSE website highlights the aims and objective of each workstream, alongside information on a range of common educational processes and forthcoming activities and events. There is also guidance on how colleagues can get involved in health sciences education, research and evaluation.