Materials and resources for women in academia

New part-time professor discusses promotion at the University of Sussex (21/03/17)

In 2016 APSA (American Political Science Association) approved a new policy reminding colleagues of appropriate standards of behavior at APSA meetings related to sexual and other forms of harassment. You can access that policy here. 

Professor Sarah Childs has produced a short guide on How to write an academic CV (PDF, 480kB)

A Times Higher Education article looks at Gender equality: universities are still all talk and too many trousers (02/02/17)

An article in Political Science Now (PS Now) analyses the Determinants of Salary Dispersion Among Political Science Faculty (16/01/17)

A Times Higher Education article looks at how to 'Change the way we run universities to unlock women's talent' (28/12/16)

A Times Higher Education article 'Female professors 'pay price for academic citizenship'' argues that Women in academia may be losing out salary-wise (14/12/16)

Guardian newspaper journalist Gaby Hinsleff explores the pros and cons of job-sharing in an article 'Judges, soldiers, MPs, vicars - can job-sharing work in any field?' (02/12/16) 

The BBC's Westminster Hour programme examined whether Parliament needs more female MP's (27/11/16)

An article in the University of Bristol's newspaper Epigram finds that gender defines pay grade among Bristol Uni staff (25/04/16)

An article in the journal Politics, Groups, Identities explores Diversity in political science: why it matters and how to get it (25/04/16) 

Dr Manjeet Ramgotra from SOAS has written a blog post for the PSA Women & Politics Group on 'Teaching Political Theory to Undergraduates' (21/12/15)   

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