2017/18 GRC reading group


The first reading group meeting will discuss some of the work of Professor Akwugo Emejulu (Sociology, University of Warwick), who is giving the first GRC Annual Lecture on Wednesday, 29 November.

The reading group will meet on:

Tuesday, 21 November

Room: LG3, 10 PR

Time: 1-2pm

The readings to be discussed are:

Emejulu, Akwugo (2017) 'Feminism for the 99%: Towards a populist feminism?', Soundings 66 (Summer)

Emejulu, Akwugo, and Leah Bassel (2015) ‘Minority women, austerity and activism,’ Race & Class, 57(2): 86-95

Emejulu, Akwugo (2011) ‘Re-theorising feminist community development: Towards a radical democratic citizenship,’ Community Development Journal, 46(3): 378–390

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