Feminizing Politics and Power in the UK: Access, Voice and Accountability (ESRC Seminar Series 2015-17)

This Seminar Series reconsiders the potential for feminization in contemporary UK politics; the political inclusion of women, and the inclusion of their issues and perspectives. It does so by deploying the concepts of access and voice - longstanding concerns within gender & politics scholarship - in conjunction with the concept of representational accountability, a newer focus. Treated as interconnected, rather than discrete, concepts and applied in new empirical research that involves academics and practitioners from party politics and civil society, this Series will generate a comprehensive account of gendered politics and power in the UK.

The series runs from 2015-17. Seminars will comprise academics, senior and junior, alongside practitioners: party actors, politicians, pollsters and commentators, and activists.

  • Seminar 1, ‘Voice: Women’s Attitudes’
  • Seminar 2:‘Voice: the Independence Referendum, and the 2015 General Election’
  • Seminar 3: ‘Access: Political Recruitment’
  • Seminar 4:‘Accountability: Gendered Policy & Women’s (in)Equality’
  • Seminar 5: ‘Accountability: Practice and Practicalities of Gender, the UK in Comparison’
  • Seminar 6: ‘Voice: Women’s Activism’
  • Seminar 7: ‘Sex, Gender, Politics & Power in the Contemporary UK’

The Team:

PI: Sarah Childs, (Bristol); Cis: Peter Allen (Queen Mary), Claire Annesley, and Francesca Gains (Manchester); Rosie Campbell and Joni Lovenduski (Birkbeck); Elizabeth Evans (Bristol); Meryl Kenny (Leicester); Yvonne Galligan (Queens); Fiona Mackay (Edinburgh); and Laura McAllister (Liverpool).

The seminars are invite only; but we have spaces for a few additional attendees, so if you are interested do please get in touch.

Contact information

Sarah Childs, s.childs@bristol.ac.uk, Professor of Politics and Gender, University of Bristol, 11 Priory Road, Bristol BS8 1TY

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