SPAIS Consolidating a Culture of Impact Series Perspectives on Transformation and Policy: Gender, Conflict and Equality

11 March 2022, 11.30 AM - 11 March 2022, 12.45 PM

Rosy Cave, Senior Analyst, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Professor Roberta Guerrina, Director of the Gender Research Centre, SPAIS and Dr. Roddy Brett, SPAIS Impact Director

We are delighted to invite you to the first event in SPAIS’ new Consolidating a Culture of Impact Series. These events will bring together SPAIS and other FSSL colleagues with policymakers from outside the university, with the aim of discussing impact thinking and practice within research, consolidating collaborative networks and strengthening our strategic impact beyond the remit of the REF. 

In our first event, Rosy Cave, Deputy Head of the Levant and North Africa Department at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), will discuss synergies and strategies for transforming lives with Professor Roberta Guerrina, Director of the Gender Research Centre (SPAIS). 

This groundbreaking series of events aims to open a space of encounter across disciplines and professional arenas in which we can think critically and constructively about how to bridge the gap between research, policy and impact.

Please register for this event via Eventbrite.

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