Russian and Czech study guide 2024/25

What you can study

Russia’s devastating war against Ukraine has shown that Russia is determined to follow its own path, fundamentally changing world affairs. In this context, specialists familiar with Russia’s imperial and Soviet past, politics, and culture are needed now more than ever to provide context and interpret its actions. Our department seeks to meet this need through its interdisciplinary exploration of Russian culture and history from tsardom to the present day.

You will find units on:

  • literature and theatre
  • Imperial, Soviet and contemporary Russia
  • visual culture
  • identity, religion, and thought


At UK universities, students specialise from their first year and rarely take units outside their degree subject. This means that:

  • Year 1 units are suitable for all students.
  • Year 2 units require some university study in the discipline.
  • Year 3 units require a strong background in the discipline.

Year 1

Pre-requisites: suitable for all students

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2

Year 2

Pre-requisites: some university study in the discipline.

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2

Year 3

Pre-requisites: strong background of study in the discipline.

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2


Application queries

Contact the Centre for Study Abroad inbound team if you have any queries about the application process for the study abroad programmes:

Phone: +44 117 39 40207

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