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PhD opportunity: Researching sociodigital life (now closed)

27 February 2023

Join the CenSoF team (closing date: 11 April 23)

Fully funded +3 (three year) PhD studentship (ESRC): Researching sociodigital life


Deadline: Tuesday 11 April 2023 (online interviews will be held in late April 2023)

We are delighted to announce a fully ESRC funded +3 (three year) PhD studentship to commence in Autumn 2023 or January 2024 on 'Researching Sociodigital life':

The phenomenal growth of digital data, devices and infrastructures has become a defining feature of the 21st Century. While the social sciences have much to say about the social dimensions or effects of digital phenonena, we are less well equipped to engage with or account for their materialities and affordances. We invite applicants to propose a project - with a focus of their own choosing (for example high performance networks, computer visions, algorithms) - which investigates how digital phenomena and social life are interwoven and co-evolving in what is now a sociodigital world. This could include, for example, theoretical examination of digital phenomena that draws on Critical Data Studies, Actor Network Theory and/or Feminist Materialisms and/or empirically studying new forms of sociodigital practice with an emphasis on what is included and excluded in different sociodigital formations. We particularly welcome applications that pay attention to the methodological challenges of researching sociodigital phenomena as well as proposals from applicants keen to work across Social Sciences and/or, Engineering, and/or the Arts.

Note that this project descriptor offers a broad indication of the thematic focus for this studentship, which should be the starting point for applicants to develop their own research proposals. In doing so, the expectation is that all proposals should be directly relevant to CenSoF and connect to one or more elements of the Centre (domains of practicetechnical affordance projectsthe four threads of the Futures Studio).

Further information

For more information and the criteria for this post, as well as details about how to apply, go to the Opportunities section of this site.

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