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CenSoF July 2023 newsletter out now

17 July 2023

Read our July 2023 newsletter for the latest updates from CenSoF.

We are pleased to share that our July 2023 newsletter, with news and updates on sociodigital futures research, has been sent out. Find below a summary of its contents.


July 2023

"The future does not exist, but how we think about, imagine and action the future in the present matters a great deal"

Welcome to the first newsletter from the Centre for Sociodigital Futures. In this first year we have focussed on what sociodigital futures are claimed, by whom and how: from automated learning to digitized borders, life in the metaverse to ubiquitous robots. Our programme of work, collaborating with our strategic partners and international partner universities, is building capabilities and capacity to make sociodigital futures intelligible and actionable. Here we are pleased to share an update on our work and hope that you will let us know how this connects with you!

Please help: We have two small requests to make... We will be sending out newsletters, with updates on our work and its impact, on a regular basis (likely to be every six months in the first instance). 1. Please sign up to our mailing list by emailing (without this, we are not able to add you to our mailing list). 2. Please share this newsletter with colleagues who may have an interest in our work, by forwarding this newsletter on (they can then sign up to our mailing list, if they wish). 

Finally, we hope you will join us on our journey, as we explore how sociodigital futures are claimed, acted on and made, and help us to tip the balance towards fair and sustainable ways of life.

Best wishes,
The CenSoF team


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You can request this newsletter, and/or sign up to our mailing list to receive future editions, by emailing

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