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Briefing paper published: Mapping Channel mobility futures

1 August 2023

Mapping Channel mobility futures


Travis Van Isacker, Bridget Anderson and Sanja Milivojevic

The Channel, especially its narrowest point at the Dover Straits, is a nexus of intense and overlapping (im)mobilities. People, goods, and data transit it constantly, but with highly uneven speeds and facility. Sociodigital technologies – what we broadly conceive to be digital technologies which shape, while being shaped by, society/social relations – are at the centre of how these mobilities are executed and have an ambivalent role, at times enabling while simultaneously restricting and controlling them. These technologies are developed, deployed, and adopted based on how it is assumed they allow various actors (including both people moving and those whose job it is to regulate movement) to realise their future visions. Not only instrumental to achieving pre-existing futures, whether imagined or already in the making, these technologies are always already embedded with particular futures which they work to promote even before being implemented. However, assumptions and affordances of sociodigital technology are rarely, if ever, congruent. This is especially true in the realm of mobility and its governance which by definition is constantly in flux and remains particularly susceptible to disruption through shifting socio-legal regulatory regimes, signal interference, and natural forces.

To begin understanding the transformations brought about by the ever increasing application of sociodigital technologies to the mobility futures present in the Channel, our first exercise is mapping the various futures, mobilities, and their regimes of control found there today. From this snapshot of the present we can then trace backwards and forwards in both temporal and spatial planes; excavating futures past, tracing existing transit routes in their entirety, teasing apart knots of intersecting mobilities, and glimpsing their coming trajectories.

Further information

Read this paper in full: Mapping Channel mobility futures.

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