Student Placements and Projects

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Placements - Claire Horton, Professional Liaison Administrator
Management Consultancy Unit - Alma Neu, Professional Liaison Administrator

The placement gave me real-life experience of working with offenders and I made connections with various practitioners who proved helpful in facilitating my dissertation. As my dissertation was based around the effectiveness of domestic abuse group intervention programmes, this placement helped me source participants willing to take part in my research.

Jess Symons (bsc criminology)

By undertaking this placement, I was not only able to improve my knowledge of Marketing by applying it to a real life context, but also able to build employability related skills such as networking and communication. When applying to summer internships, I was able to call upon concrete examples from the placement in order to demonstrate the skills that employers were looking for - I felt this really helped during the application process.

Charlie Godwin-Brown (bsc management)

See how our Placements can help you connect your learning to real world scenarios.

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