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Why use CAA?

You probably already have some idea about why you might use Computer Assisted Assessment. The following are some possible advantages of using CAA. Which of these do you think are true or false?



CAA is more time-consuming than conventional assessments


Yes we would agree. Once set up, online assessments can save considerable time, principally through automated marking of scripts. With increased pressure on research and administration, and in response to an increase in student numbers many academics at Bristol have been experimenting with and exploiting the potential long term time savings of e-assessment. However the emphasis should be on the long-term, as initial setting up of online assessments can in fact take considerable time.

No we don't think so. Once set up, online assessments can save considerable time, principally through automated marking of scripts. With increased pressure on research and administration, and in response to an increase in student numbers many academics at Bristol have been experimenting with and exploiting the potential long term time savings of e-assessment. However the emphasis should be on the long-term, as initial setting up of online assessments can in fact take considerable time.

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The resource implications of delivering online assessments to a large number of students are far greater than with smaller numbers.

Yes we agree. Online assessment is scalable and can be delivered to a small or a large number of students with largely the same implications, certainly in terms of the effort required to create tests, set up assessments and manage scores. No we don't think so. Online assessment is scalable and can be delivered to a small or a large number of students with largely the same implications, certainly in terms of the effort required to create tests, set up assessments and manage scores.
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Online assessment is objective

Yes we think you're right. On-line assessment is objective because it's marked by the system and therefore it's not influenced by personal opinions. In addition, computers do not make errors or get tired, so marking is more reliable. No we don't agree. On-line assessment is objective because it's marked by the system and therefore it's not influenced by personal opinions. In addition, computers do not make errors or get tired so marking is more reliable.
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Online assessment is recombinable and questions can be re-used or recombined in different tests.

Yes we would agree. Online assessment is easily reusable or recombinable. Building up collections or 'banks' of digital questions can open up the possibilities of reusing questions each year (and hence saving time in the long term) by allowing the quick creation of random tests, and quick creation of equivalent questions with minimal re-authoringNo, we don't agree. Online assessment is easily reusable and re-combinable Building up collections or 'banks' of digital questions can open up the possibilities of reusing questions each year (and hence saving time in the long term) by allowing the quick creation of random tests, and quick creation of equivalent questions with minimal re-authoring
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Coverage of Topics

Online assessments are not suitable to test a wide range of topics

Yes we agree. With a large number of objective questions it's possible to cover a wider range of topics compared than assessing with essay questionsI'm afraid we disagree. With a large number of objective questions it's possible to cover a wider range of topics compared than assessing with essay questions
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It's not possible to embed media files in online assessments as these needs special software to play

Yes we agree. Most dedicated assessment software allows you to embed most media file types and there is no need to integrate extra software to play them. Students can control the media files and listen as many times as they likeI'm afraid we disagree. Most dedicated assessment software enables you to embed any media file and there is no need to have integrated software to play them. Students can control the media files and listen as many times as they like.
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Question types

Online assessment offers a more restricted choice of question styles compared to pen and paper.

Yes we agree. Although computers cannot mark open-ended, subjective question styles such as essays, most dedicated assessment software offers a wide range of objective question styles, divided into three categories: multiple choice, matching and free text entry, each category has many variants. I'm afraid we disagree. Although computers cannot mark open-ended, subjective question styles such as essays, most dedicated assessment software offers a wide range of objective question styles, divided into three categories: multiple choice, matching and free text entry, each category has many variants.
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