Pre COP 26 event for SCARE

On Wednesday 22 September at 09:00 UK time we took part in a pre COP 26 hybrid webinar in Diamnadio, Dakar.

SCARE resilience briefing paper (Office document, 2,411kB)  and SCARE emissions briefing paper (Office document, 1,731kB) have been drafted to support the event. 

Read the Meeting notes from SCARE 22 September 2021 Pre COP event (Office document, 5,601kB)

The webinar brought key stakeholders together to discuss about this water-related component and challenges to achieve SDG6.2. The objective is to feature the link between sanitation and climate change.

Introductory session:

A session with key messages from high level partners in the government and diplomatic representation highlighting their engagement and participation at different levels to the preliminary activities for CoP26 and the WWF and also with on-going projects.


Ministry of Water & Sanitation – World Water Forum Representative (on-line) - UK Embassy in Senegal - Global Green Growth Institute Country Representative 


September 22, 2021

09.00 – 09.30

Welcome & Registration


 09.30 – 10.00

Introductory Session :
GGGI Senegal Country Representative – Romain Brille
H.E Ambassador of Uk in Senegal – Victoria Billing
Executive Secretary of World Water Forum (on-line)


Press Briefing

10.15 – 11.10

Session 1 - Sanitation facilities resilience to climate change: a need for improved management of services (French session)


Direction de l’Assainissement – Oumar Sene

GGGI – Nathalie ANDRE

COMNACC -  Libasse Ba

DELVIC – Dr Becaye Diop

Moderator : Marème Ndour - Country Coordinator COY16


Dialogue around Senegal's integration of sanitation into its climate change program

Summary of the SCARE project – on-line presentation

Dialogue around the contribution of research to the climate change agenda in Senegal

Dialogue around the private sector contribution to the resilient management of sanitation systems


11.15 – 12.10

Session 2 - Sanitation & Climate Change: Assessing resilience and mitigation of on-site systems (English session)


University of Bristol – Professor Guy Howard

University of Leeds – Professor Barbara Evans

Université Polytechnique de Thiès – Professor Baba Ngom 


Moderator : Romain BRILLIE GGGI – Country Representative

Video message from BMGF

SCARE Project summary with methodology used community’s resiliency with on-site sanitation systems- on-line presentation

SCARE Methodology used for GHG estimated emissions from sanitation systems – online presentation

Initial experience in testing by the Université Polytechnique de Thiès in Kaolack and Thiès for GHG emissions collection - presentation


12.10 – 12.40

Dr. Baba Drame - Direction de l'Environnement et des Etablissements Classes (DEEC)


Hubert Jenny – GCF

Panelists from session 1


Discussion with government and development partners (DEEC, UNICEF, GCF) and panelists from session 2



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