Our facilities

Lab diagram

High Temperature Lab .038

‌Core Facilities:  Zwick-Roell Kappa 100 SS-CF Creep-Fatigue  X2

Servo-electric Kappa C-F series by Zwick-Roell is designed for accurate control, optimal performance, and high precision measurement, all are essential for Creep and Creep-Fatigue experiments.This machine has 100kN load capacity and is equipped with a capacitive extensometer which sits inside the furnace, eliminating the room temperature effect on high precision strain measurement. Maximum testing temperature is 800 °C which is being provided by a split furnace with large windows which can be used for non-contact strain measurements or digital image correlation.

Furnace in the High Temperature Lab Equipment in the High Temperature Lab
Image above left shows furnace with window for in-situ DIC at high temperature. Furnace temperature can go up to 800°C

Core Facilities:  
Phoenix bench-top servo-hydraulic testing machine is ideal for tensile, high/low cycle fatigue test at room and elevated temperature. This is a versatile universal mechanical testing machine with 10kN load capacity. Main features of this machine are:

  • Large vacuum/pressure chamber with quartz window for DIC
  • Water/air cooled pulling rods
  • Radiant furnace for rapid heating up to 800°C
  • Alignment fixture
  • Video extensometer (non-contact strain measurement)
Video Extensometer Large chamber window in the High Temperature Lab Testing magnetic field in the High Temperature Lab
Integrated Video Extensometer Large chamber window. LaVision Micro-DIC
unit being used for DIC of small punch sample.
Testing magnetic field of up to 1.5T at room
and high temperature (up to 600 °C).

Creep Lab .037

Automated and manual Creep loading rigs:

  • Total of 6 conventional creep rigs
  • Capable of creep test at a wide range of load and temperature (up to 1100°C) for creep and rupture tests
  • Direct Current Potential Drop units for crack propagation measurement ant high temperature
  • Three Binder ovens (max temp 310 °C)

Creep rig equipment
Binder ovens

Residual Stress Lab .008

Core Facilities:

Drilling equipment* Deep Hole Drilling, Incremental Central hole drilling
* Custom built Deep Hole Drilling rig for measuring residual stress via a mechanical strain relief technique. Allowing measurement of materials from 6mm up to 500mm thick, and can pick up plasticity in the stress relieving process. Predominately used in steel, DHD can be used on a variety of metals. 
* ICHD uses a rosette style strain gauge to measure surface stress of a material by drilling up to 2mm deep using a carbide dental drill in a high-speed pneumatic drill mounted in the Vishay RS200 ICHD rig.

Core Facilities:

Metallography Zone (cutting, mounting, polishing, etching and imaging)
 Buhler cutting, mounting and polishing machines Residual Stress Lab - Etching unit and recirculating fume hood. Micro-hardness and imaging unit in the Residual Stress Lab
Buhler cutting, mounting and polishing machines Etching unit, recirculating fume hood Micro-hardness and imaging unit


Core Facilities: Pulstec X-ray residual stress measurement unit
Pulstec X-ray residual stress measurement unit‌* Compact and lightweight XRD device for residual stress measurement
* By employing cos α instead sin2ψ method, this device can provide residual stress measurement on the surface of polycrystalline metals without the need for rotating the X-ray source and detector.
* Sensitive 2D detector mapping full Debye Scherrer ring.
* Can be used for RS measurement on the following materials:
                         Ferritic steels
                         Austenitic steel

SMRGdb Materials Database

The group has a database to record, label and track testing data, samples and materials.

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