PhD subject: Dexterous ultrasonic manipulation in water

I am currently in the 3rd year of my PhD studies developing acoustic tweezers for bio-medical applications. Researching on an EPSRC scholarship funded PhD gives me the freedom to explore my field without external pressures from industry. I worked with the UNDT group at Bristol before starting my post-graduate studies therefore I knew that world-leading development of ultrasonic manipulation techniques was being carried out, and I was interested to become involved in this relatively new area of study.

The multi-disciplinary nature of the subject, with researchers in the engineering, computer science, physics, chemistry and medical departments at Bristol, appeals to me as I get to meet a broad range of people with different ideas for applications of the technology I’m developing. As well as attending international conferences, I’ve had many opportunities outside of the usual scope of research work, including working on BBC shows, helping to design an exhibit for the Royal Society and consulting for start-ups. 



Amanda Franklin, Year 3 student

A two-element acoustic tweezer for micro-particle manipulation

More information on Amanda's research here

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