
Diagram of a control system on a bacteria population.

Cybergenetics is a new and exciting research field, at the interface of control engineering with synthetic biology. By combining genetic engineering, microfluidics/microscopy platforms and control algorithms, we aim at controlling gene expression across living species in real time. Outcomes of this work can be relevant for biopharma and biotechnology applications.

 Latest projects:

  • External feedback control of mammalian cells in microfluidics/microscopy platforms. Our group has developed experimental platforms which enable to automatically control gene expression by changing the media provided to cells given their output, measured by time-lapse microscopy and automatically analysed in real-time. We are currently exploring the extension of the platform for the automatic derivation of superior culture protocols for stem cell maintenance, and for the design of combination therapies for cancer.
  •  Multicellular feedback control. Our group has designed and is currently implementing in bacterial cells novel control strategies where the feedback control action is embedded within the cellular population, split between “controllers” and “targets” cells. Multicellular controllers shall ensure increased modularity and reduced cell burden, as compared to embedded and external controllers.
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