PhD Opportunities

Interested in the electric revolution, future of transport or Power Electronics? We're looking for enthusiastic and motivated students to join the EEMG.

Current PhD opportunities

EEMG Brochure (PDF)

Fully funded PhD scholarships for Chinese students to carry out research at the University of Bristol


To trial our active gate driver ICs, please contact Bernard Stark

We are keen to work with companies to develop drivers for specific applications, and to help other research groups and companies set up test benches using our ICs.

Other gate drivers

We are always keen to develop new types of gate drivers. The figures on the right show an isolated, resonant 10 A gate driver, and below, the synchronous gate driving of high-voltage, series-connected MOSFETs.

We are keen to experiment with new driver architectures, to develop drivers that fully exploit emerging power devices, or to develop drivers for applications where existing drivers pose unwanted limitations. We welcome approaches from industry to set up joint development projects.

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