Project team

Principal investigator:


  • Dr Andrea Tassi

Programme Overview:

Venturer Logo
Venturer Car Overview
Research area Transport
Dates July 2015 - June 2018
Funder Innovate UK
Contact person Dr Robert Piechocki

Widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles will provide a range of social and environmental benefits such as:  increased efficiency, safety, comfort and providing mobility options to a wider public, whilst also delivering benefits to the economy. Technological progress is relentless and cars are already becoming increasingly automated. Many modern cars incorporate parking and lane following systems, therefore already operate semi autonomously. However, the dawn of full autonomy (cars that drive themselves) will represent a revolution on our roads – the biggest change we have seen since the invention of the internal combustion engine. Autonomous vehicles will also create new challenges and opportunities for automotive and IT sectors insurance firms and will require new legislative framework.

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