Working in collaboration

To strengthen the project, it is important to us that we incorporate the views of colleagues in schools and all of their partners. On an ongoing basis, therefore, we are trying out our ideas on a range of people and inviting their feedback. We will be organising a series of workshops during the course of the project to facilitate on-going discussion and feedback about the research findings including evidence gathered from the survey and case studies.

We are organising a series of four 24-hour Interactive Workshop Conferences for the 16 case study schools. Their overall aims are to:

  • Contribute to data collection.
  • Help to develop the draft framework.
  • Promote systematic sharing of practical experience about effective professional learning communities.
  • Contribute to the preparation of case studies for dissemination purposes.

This involves identifying key themes as they emerge from the study, and then using these as the focus of inputs from the 16 schools, LEAs and HEIs. Steering group members would also be invited to contribute.

We also meet regularly with our DfES Steering Group which includes representatives from the DfES, GTC, NCSL and academic colleagues.

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