Williams Lab

We study how molecules, genomes and microbes evolve, and we learn about the evolutionary history of life.

We use phylogenetics, comparative genomics and other bioinformatics techniques to study how molecules, genomes and microbes evolve, and to learn about the evolutionary history of life. Our work is led by Dr Tom Williams, a computational evolutionary biologist.

The sequences of DNA, RNA and protein molecules provide an unparalleled digital record of the evolution of life on Earth. The unambiguous format (4 discrete nucleotides, 20 amino acids) is ideal for computational analysis.

As sequencing techniques have developed, the record is broader and more complete than ever. But extracting the signal from this record, rather than the noise, is challenging. Our understanding of evolution changes as methods of analysis improve.

Most of our work focuses on the analysis of microbial genomes. From the standpoint of genetics, this microbial focus doesn’t much limit our horizons, because most genetic diversity is found among microbes. Indeed, animals, plants and fungi are all relatively recent offshoots from single-celled progenitors.

Research areas

Work in the group generally aligns with one of two themes:

  • The early evolution of life
    What were the first cells like? How did bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes first evolve? How are these three cellular lineages related to each other? We use phylogenetics and comparative genomics to reconstruct the ancestors of these groups. This helps us understand the environments they may have evolved in on the early Earth.
  • Microbial evolutionary genomics
    Sequence data can teach us a lot about the biology, ecology and evolution of organisms. Yet many of the most biodiverse groups of microbes are under-sampled by genome sequencing. We look at three fascinating and under-sampled groups: the excavates, the microsporidians (both eukaryotes), and the Thaumarchaeota.

Key projects

  • The origin and evolution of eukaryotes
    We use phylogenetics and comparative genomics, combined with targeted genome sequencing of new groups, to test hypotheses about the early evolution of eukaryotic cells.
    • Dr. Celine Petitjean, Dr. Christopher Kay, Brogan Harris
    • Funding from the Royal Society, NERC and BBSRC
  • Early cell evolution
    We are investigating the earliest events in the history of life using phylogenetics and other bioinformatic approaches. This work focuses on the nature of the last universal common ancestor and the origin and evolution of bacteria and archaea
    • Gareth Coleman, Ed Moody, James Fearn, Dr. Paul Sheridan
    • Funding from the Royal Society, NERC and BBSRC
  • Evolutionary biochemistry
    What constraints do biochemistry and population genetics place on evolution, and can we use evolutionary principles, or the outcomes of “natural experiments”, to understand and modify the activity of genes, plasmids and proteins?
    • Dr. Swati Singh, Ed Moody, James Fearn, Matt Tarnowski
    • Funding from the Royal Society and BrisSynBio