The Chamber of Demonstrations
Reconstructing the Jacobean Indoor Playhouse

Professor Andrew Gurr

ANDREW GURR is Professor Emeritus at the University of Reading, and former Director of Research at the Shakespeare Globe Centre, London. While at the Globe he spent twenty years chairing the committee that identified the Globe's shape and structure. His academic books include The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642, now in its fourth edition, Playgoing in Shakespeare's London, now in its third, The Shakespearian Playing Companies, a history of The Shakespeare Company 1594-1642, and most recently a history of Shakespeare's Opposites: The Admiral's Men 1594-1625, the company that performed at the Rose and the Fortune. He has edited several Renaissance plays, including Shakespeare's Richard II, Henry V, and the Quarto Henry V for the Cambridge Shakespeare editions, and is currently editing The Tempest for the New Variorum. He is a trustee of the Rose Theatre Trust.

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