Professor Sam Leary

Sam Leary is a Professor of Applied Statistics, with a BSc in Probability in Statistics, MSc in Biometry (with a focus on medical statistics) and PhD in Epidemiology. Previous roles included statistician at the Medical Research Council in Southampton, and research fellow on the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Prof. Leary secured a lectureship at the Bristol Dental School in 2007. Her work spans various oral health and nutrition projects. Previous  experience in cleft research includes co-supervision of postdoctoral dental students leading to multiple publications, study team member for CleftCare UK, and membership of the Cleft Collective Project Management Group.  Prof. Leary’s passion extends beyond research; she designs and leads research methods courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Additionally, she serves as the head of staff support and development within Bristol Dental School, and is on the Steering Group for the NIHR Statistics Group, for which she established the career development section.

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