Mr Marc Swan

Mr. Marc C. Swan is a distinguished Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon with a remarkable career in the field of cleft surgery. As the Clinical Director of the Spires Cleft Centre he plays a pivotal role in providing comprehensive multidisciplinary care to patients with orofacial clefts in the south-central region of the United Kingdom.

 Since his appointment at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2014, he remains dedicated to treating families referred to the Spires Cleft Centre; care encompasses the entire patient journey from antenatal diagnosis to adulthood. Mr. Swan’s commitment to holistic care ensures that families receive comprehensive world-class support throughout their cleft treatment.

 Mr. Swan also has a busy paediatric plastic surgery practice, overseas the trans-oral robotic cleft surgery programme in Oxford, and offers a broad range of evidence-based secondary (revisional) procedures ranging from speech surgery and complex palatal fistula reconstruction to lip augmentation and septorhinoplasty. His research interests focus on improving aesthetic and functional outcomes for children with orofacial clefts, incorporating patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) into everyday clinical practice, and exploring the potential for integrating machine learning into future clinical and research practice.

Mr. Swan’s dedication extends beyond clinical practice; he is passionate about training the cleft surgeons of the future – both within Europe and in resource-poor countries. He is a member of the Oxford University Global Surgery Group and supports a number of cleft-focused charities. His expertise and compassionate approach have made a significant impact on the lives of countless patients and their families over the past ten years – he now looks forward to his next decade of specialist practice with abundant enthusiasm!



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