############################################################################ # MLwiN User Manual # # 10 Multinomial Logistic Models for Unordered Categorical Responses . .145 # # Rasbash, J., Steele, F., Browne, W. J. and Goldstein, H. (2012). # A User's Guide to MLwiN, v2.26. Centre for Multilevel Modelling, # University of Bristol. ############################################################################ # R script to replicate all analyses using R2MLwiN # # Zhang, Z., Charlton, C., Parker, R, Leckie, G., and Browne, W.J. # Centre for Multilevel Modelling, 2012 # http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cmm/software/R2MLwiN/ ############################################################################ library(R2MLwiN) # MLwiN folder mlwin <- getOption("MLwiN_path") while (!file.access(mlwin, mode = 1) == 0) { cat("Please specify the root MLwiN folder or the full path to the MLwiN executable:\n") mlwin <- scan(what = character(0), sep = "\n") mlwin <- gsub("\\", "/", mlwin, fixed = TRUE) } options(MLwiN_path = mlwin) # Change contrasts if wish to avoid warning indicating that, by default, # specified contrasts for ordered predictors will be ignored by runMLwiN # (they will be fitted as "contr.treatment" regardless of this setting). To # enable specified contrasts, set allowcontrast to TRUE (this will be the # default in future package releases). NB at the end of this script, the # specification for contrasts is changed back. my_contrasts <- options("contrasts")$contrasts options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.treatment", ordered = "contr.treatment")) # As an alternative to changing contrasts, can instead use C() to specify # contrasts for ordered predictors in formula object, e.g.: # (mymodel1 <- runMLwiN(logit(use4) ~ 1 + C(lc, "contr.treatment"), # D = "Unordered Multinomial", # data = bang, # allowcontrast = TRUE)) # 10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 data(bang, package = "R2MLwiN") addmargins(with(bang, table(use4))) # 10.2 Single-level multinomial logistic regression . . . . . . . . . . .146 # 10.3 Fitting a single-level multinomial logistic model in MLwiN . . . .147 addmargins(with(bang, table(lc, use4))) bang$use4 <- relevel(bang$use4, 4) (mymodel1 <- runMLwiN(logit(use4) ~ 1 + lc, D = "Unordered Multinomial", data = bang)) cat(paste("Pr(y = 1) =", round(exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Sterilization"])/(1 + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Sterilization"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Traditional_method"])), 4), "\n")) cat(paste("Pr(y = 2) =", round(exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"])/(1 + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Sterilization"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Traditional_method"])), 4), "\n")) cat(paste("Pr(y = 3) =", round(exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Traditional_method"])/(1 + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Sterilization"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Traditional_method"])), 4), "\n")) cat(paste("Pr(y = 4) =", round(1/(1 + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Sterilization"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"]) + exp(mymodel1@FP["FP_Intercept_Traditional_method"])), 4), "\n")) # 10.4 A two-level random intercept multinomial logistic regression model 154 # 10.5 Fitting a two-level random intercept model . . . . . . . . . . . .155 (mymodel2 <- runMLwiN(logit(use4) ~ 1 + lc + (1 | district), D = "Unordered Multinomial", data = bang)) (mymodel3 <- runMLwiN(logit(use4) ~ 1 + lc + (1 | district), D = "Unordered Multinomial", estoptions = list(nonlinear = c(1, 2), startval = list(FP.b = mymodel2@FP, FP.v = mymodel2@FP.cov, RP.b = mymodel2@RP, RP.v = mymodel2@RP.cov), resi.store = TRUE), data = bang)) mymodel3@RP["RP2_cov_Intercept_Sterilization_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"]/sqrt(mymodel3@RP["RP2_var_Intercept_Sterilization"] * mymodel3@RP["RP2_var_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"]) mymodel3@RP["RP2_cov_Intercept_Sterilization_Intercept_Traditional_method"]/sqrt(mymodel3@RP["RP2_var_Intercept_Sterilization"] * mymodel3@RP["RP2_var_Intercept_Traditional_method"]) mymodel3@RP["RP2_cov_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method_Intercept_Traditional_method"]/sqrt(mymodel3@RP["RP2_var_Intercept_Modern_reversible_method"] * mymodel3@RP["RP2_var_Intercept_Traditional_method"]) hipos <- rep(0, 2) hipos[1] <- which(levels(as.factor(bang$district)) == 56) hipos[2] <- which(levels(as.factor(bang$district)) == 11) u0 <- mymodel3@residual$lev_2_resi_est_Intercept.Sterilization u0se <- sqrt(mymodel3@residual$lev_2_resi_var_Intercept.Sterilization) u0CI95 <- 1.96 * u0se u0rank <- rank(u0) u0rankhi <- u0 + u0CI95 u0ranklo <- u0 - u0CI95 u0rankno <- order(u0rank) plot(1:60, u0[u0rankno], ylim = c(-2, 2), pch = 15, xlab = "Rank", ylab = "u0 residual estimate") points(1:60, u0rankhi[u0rankno], pch = 24, bg = "grey") points(1:60, u0ranklo[u0rankno], pch = 25, bg = "grey") for (i in 1:60) lines(rep(i, 2), c(u0ranklo[u0rankno[i]], u0rankhi[u0rankno[i]])) for (i in 1:2) points(x = which(u0rankno == hipos[i]), y = u0[u0rankno[which(u0rankno == hipos[i])]], pch = 22, bg = i + 1) u1 <- mymodel3@residual$lev_2_resi_est_Intercept.Modern_reversible_method u1se <- sqrt(mymodel3@residual$lev_2_resi_var_Intercept.Modern_reversible_method) u1CI95 <- 1.96 * u1se u1rank <- rank(u1) u1rankhi <- u1 + u1CI95 u1ranklo <- u1 - u1CI95 u1rankno <- order(u1rank) plot(1:60, u1[u1rankno], ylim = c(-2, 2), pch = 15, xlab = "Rank", ylab = "u1 residual estimate") points(1:60, u1rankhi[u1rankno], pch = 24, bg = "grey") points(1:60, u1ranklo[u1rankno], pch = 25, bg = "grey") for (i in 1:60) lines(rep(i, 2), c(u1ranklo[u1rankno[i]], u1rankhi[u1rankno[i]])) for (i in 1:2) points(x = which(u1rankno == hipos[i]), y = u1[u1rankno[which(u1rankno == hipos[i])]], pch = 22, bg = i + 1) u2 <- mymodel3@residual$lev_2_resi_est_Intercept.Traditional_method u2se <- sqrt(mymodel3@residual$lev_2_resi_var_Intercept.Traditional_method) u2CI95 <- 1.96 * u2se u2rank <- rank(u2) u2rankhi <- u2 + u2CI95 u2ranklo <- u2 - u2CI95 u2rankno <- order(u2rank) plot(1:60, u2[u2rankno], ylim = c(-2, 2), pch = 15, xlab = "Rank", ylab = "u2 residual estimate") points(1:60, u2rankhi[u2rankno], pch = 24, bg = "grey") points(1:60, u2ranklo[u2rankno], pch = 25, bg = "grey") for (i in 1:60) lines(rep(i, 2), c(u2ranklo[u2rankno[i]], u2rankhi[u2rankno[i]])) for (i in 1:2) points(x = which(u2rankno == hipos[i]), y = u2[u2rankno[which(u2rankno == hipos[i])]], pch = 22, bg = i + 1) # Chapter learning outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 # Addendum: changing contrasts back to pre-existing . . . . . . . . . . . NA # Following re-specification of contrast settings towards the start of this # script, change contrasts back to pre-existing: options(contrasts = my_contrasts) ############################################################################