Postgraduate profile: Patrick Daley-Dee

What attracted you to the CDT?

The opportunity to undertake a multidisciplinary PhD, combining elements of computational and machine learning methods to traditional chemical synthesis.


Which part of the TATE programme did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed the machine learning rotation the most.


How will you use the skills you have learnt during TATE in your research project?

I will definitely try to undertake a DoE optimisation if I can get my reactions to work well enough.


What advice would you give any incoming students?

Enjoy the process.


In one sentense, please describe how you feel about your time on the CDT so far.

In the year I have been on the CDT, I have developed skills relevant to chemistry and the wider job market, met some great people and enjoyed challenging myself.


Patrick Daley-Dee, 2021 Cohort
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