Postgraduate profile: Calum Haydon

What attracted you to the CDT?

The opportunity to train in new skills that will be useful in chemistry as the field develops, and the wider world also. Also the chance to experience a wide variety of science before choosing my PhD project.


Which part of the TATE programme did you enjoy the most?

The mini rotations in research groups. I learnt a lot about areas of Chemistry with which I wasn't previously familiar with!


How will you use the skills you have learnt during TATE in your research project?

I hope to use DoE to optimise a key reaction to synthesise the type of sugar we hope will interact with mycobacteria. The data analysis skills developed may also come in useful when analysing data from bacterial assays.


What advice would you give to any incoming students?

Be as open minded as possible (to new skills/areas of chemistry etc...) TATE is a fantastic opportunity and try and make the most of all the interesting and useful opportunities!


In one sentense, please describe how you feel about your time on the CDT so far.

It's been an exciting, interesting learning experience, and I've enjoyed working with such a great group of people on the CDT.

Calum Haydon, 2021 Cohort
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