Orbitrap Elite
The Orbitrap Elite was installed during our major upgrade of facilities in May 2013. This is a high performance instrument used for research lead analysis ranging from proteomics and metabolomics to natural product structural elucidation.
ESI, Nanospray and APCI ionisation.
Ultra-high resolution and accurate-mass. MS/MS and MSn. UPLC-MS.
Orbitrap Elite - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Thermo Scientific
- Installation year: 2013
- Analyser Type: Orbitrap
- Analyser Pressure:
- Scan Rate:
- Ionisation Modes: Electrospray Ionisation (ESI), Nanospray Ionisation and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation (APCI)
- Analyte Concentration:
- Mass Range:
- Resolution: upto 240,000 depending on experiment type
- Mass Accuracy: <1ppm internal calibration
- Operating System: Windows
- Data System:
Synapt G2S (IMS-Q-Tof)
The Synapt G2S was installed during our major upgrade of facilities in May 2013. This is a high performance instrument used for research lead analysis ranging from proteomics and complex analysis to natural product structural elucidation.
Synapt G2S - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Waters
- Installation year: 2013
- Analyser Type: IMS-Q-TOF
- Analyser Pressure:
- Scan Rate:
- Ionisation Modes: Nanospray Ionisation
- Analyte Concentration:
- Mass Range:
- Resolution:
- Mass Accuracy: <1ppm internal calibration
- Operating System: Windows
- Data System:
UltrafleXtreme (Tof-Tof)
The UltrafleXtreme was installed during our major upgrade of facilities in May 2013. This is a high performance instrument used for research lead analysis ranging from proteomics to the analysis of peptides, intact proteins, polymers, dendrimers and other complex analytes.
UltrafleXtreme - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Bruker Daltonics
- Installation year: 2013
- Analyser Type: TOF-TOF
- Analyser Pressure:
- Scan Rate:
- Ionisation Modes: MALDI Ionisation
- Analyte Concentration:
- Mass Range:
- Resolution:
- Mass Accuracy: <5ppm nearest neighbour calibration
- Operating System: Windows
- Data System:
The Apex IV FT-ICR is a Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance instrument with a 7.0 Tesla superconducting magnet. It was originally installed in the Biochemistry department in 2002, but was moved to the Mass Spectrometry facility in 2005 and had a new magnet installed. The instrument runs a combination of high-resolution service work and high-end research driven analyses.
Apex IV - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Bruker Daltonics.
- Installation year: 2005.
- Analyser Type: Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR).
- Analyser Pressure: 2x10-10 mbar.
- Scan Rate: 1/s (typically 8 scans summed per spectrum).
- Ionisation Modes: Electrospray (ESI), nanospray (nanomate).
- Tandem (MS/MS) and sequential (MSn) mass spectrometry capable.
- Analyte Concentration: typically 0.025 to 0.05 mg/mL (200-2000 Da).
- Mass Range: m/z 100-6,000 (200-2000 typical scan range).
- Resolution: approx. 30,000 to 1,000,000 depending on experiment.
- Mass Accuracy: <2ppm external calibration. <0.1ppm internal calibration.
- Operating System: Windows 2000.
- Data System: Bruker Xmass 6.2.0 under Unix emulation.
MicrOTOF II (Tof)
The micrOTOF II was installed during our major upgrade of facilities in May 2013. This is used as an MS service instrument to run the bulk of the small molecule ESI accurate-mass samples. It can be run in both automated and manual modes. In automated mode the solvent system is MeOH/Water (50%), in manual mode a wide range of solvents can be used. For example: MeCN (100%), MeOH/DCM (50%), MeCN/Water (50%), Toluene/THF (50%), fluoro-benze or nitromethane.
MicrOTOF II - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Bruker Daltonics
- Installation year: 2013
- Analyser Type: time-of-flight (TOF)
- Analyser Pressure: 2.15x10-7 mbar
- Scan Rate: 1/s (10 scan rolling average)
- Ionisation Modes: Electrospray (ESI)
- Analyte Concentration: typically 0.025 to 0.05 mg/mL (200-1000 Da)
- Mass Range: m/z 50-40,000 (50-1000 normal scan range)
- Resolution: approx. 15,000 at m/z 1000
- Mass Accuracy: <2ppm internal calibration, <5ppm external calibration
- Operating System: Windows XP.
- Data System: OTOF Control 3.2, Compass Data Analysis 4.1, Hystar 3.2.
Uses HP1100 for solvent, calibrant and sample delivery (auto-acquisition). Solvent system MeOH/Water (50%). Syringe pump for manual analysis. |
Autospec (Triple-sector)
The Autospec was installed in 1991 and is our oldest instrument. It is used as an MS service instrument to run the the small molecule EI and CI accurate-mass samples. It is run in automated mode.
Autospec - Specification and details:
- Vendor: VG/Micromass
- Installation year: 1991
- Analyser Type: triple sector
- Analyser Pressure: 5.25x10-8 mbar
- Scan Rate: 4s/scan
- Ionisation Modes: Electron Ionisation (EI) and Chemical Ionisation (CI)
- Analyte Concentration: 2.0 to 5.0 mg/mL
- Mass Range: m/z 50-850
- Resolution: approx. 4,000 at m/z 500
- Mass Accuracy: <5ppm internal calibration
- Operating System: VMS, Windows XP
- Data System: OPUS3.6, MassLynx 4.0 (data processing).
Uses Fisons Instruments A200S auto-sampler for sample injection. |
4700 Proteomics Analyser (Tof-Tof)
The 4700 Proteomics Analyser was installed in 2004. It is primarily a trained user instrument used for the analysis of peptides, proteins and polymers etc.
4700 Proteomics Analyser - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Applied Biosystems
- Installation year: 2004
- Analyser Type: TOF-TOF
- Analyser Pressure:
- Scan Rate:
- Ionisation Modes: MALDI Ionisation
- Analyte Concentration:
- Mass Range:
- Resolution:
- Mass Accuracy: 0.1 Da
- Operating System: Windows
- Data System:
Esquire 6000 (Ion Trap)
The Esquire 6000 was installed in 2010 (donated by industry). It is primarily a trained user instrument for reverse-phase HPLC-MS and ESI direct infusion analysis.
Esquire - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Buker Daltonics
- Installation year: 2010
- Analyser Type: Quadrupole ion trap
- Analyser Pressure: 1.00x10-5 mbar
- Scan Rate: Typically 1 /s (5 scan rolling average)
- Ionisation Modes: Electrospray (ESI)
- Tandem (MS/MS) and sequential (MSn) mass spectrometry capable.
- Analyte Concentration: Typically 0.01 mg/ml
- Mass Range: m/z 50-6000
- Resolution: approx. 1,000 at m/z 500
- Mass Accuracy: 0.1 Da
- Operating System: Windows XP
- Data System: Esquire Control 5.3, Data Analysis 5.3, Hystar 3.1.
Uses Dionex Ultimate HPLC system with Famos auto-sampler. |
Quattro LC (Triple-Quadrupole)
The Quattro-LC was installed in 2010. It is primarily a trained user instrument used for a wide range of ESI direct infusion applications.
Quiattro-LC - Specification and details:
- Vendor: Micromass
- Installation year: 2010
- Analyser Type: Triple quadrupole
- Analyser Pressure:
- Scan Rate:
- Ionisation Modes: ESI Ionisation
- Analyte Concentration:
- Mass Range:
- Resolution:
- Mass Accuracy: 0.1 Da
- Operating System: Windows
- Data System: