Modern Languages 2024/25

The School of Modern Languages (SML) is an interdisciplinary school, meaning you can study so much more than languages here.

You can find units on:

  • literature and poetry
  • cinema and visual culture
  • history and politics
  • linguistics
  • cultural studies (e.g. gender, sexuality, postcolonialism)
  • and European & Asian languages

Many of the units are comparative (MODL units), enabling you to study more than one culture at a time. While we focus largely on Continental Europe and Latin America, we also have units engaging with the Caribbean, Africa, North America, and Britain.

As an SML Subject Pathway student, you will choose a minimum of 40 credits per semester from this study guide. Most of the units are available in English, but some require knowledge of another language, as indicated below.


  • Year 1 – units are suitable for all students.
  • Year 2 – for students with some university study in a relevant discipline, for example literature, cinema, history, linguistics.
  • Year 3 – for students with a strong background of study in a relevant discipline and some familiarity with the region, for example France, Russia, Latin America.

Feature units

Literature and Culture

Year 1

Pre-requisites: suitable for all students.

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2


Year 2 

Pre-requisites: some university study in a relevant discipline (including History, Literature etc). 

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2

Year 3


Pre-requisites: strong background of study in a relevant discipline and familiarity with the region for non-MODL units (e.g. France, Italy, Russia etc).

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2


MA-Level units

Pre-requisites: 3 years of undergraduate study in a relevant discipline and approval from the School of Modern Languages. Students may take only one per TB.

Teaching Block 1


Teaching Block 2

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Teaching Block 4 (full year)

If you will be with us for a full year starting in September then you can begin a new language from scratch, or continue on to intermediate or advanced level if you’ve already begun.


Pre-Intermediate or Follow-on:



*Students with a background in any of the European languages may be eligible for more advanced units. Please contact to enquire.

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Year 1

Pre-requisites: A2 level German.

Teaching Block 2

Year 2

Pre-requisites: B2 level German.

Teaching Block 1

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