Cultural Studies study guide 2024/25

What you can study

The study of human cultures has never been as crucial as it is today, in our globalised and networked world. At the School of Modern Languages, we are passionate about the study of culture – particularly the literature, film, societies and shifting worldviews of the non-Anglophone Western world and its cultural relationship with the Global South. 

You can find units on:

  • literature and poetry
  • cinema and visual culture
  • gender, sexuality, and queer studies
  • postcolonialism

Many of the units are comparative (MODL units), enabling you to study more than one culture at a time. 


At UK universities, students specialise from their first year and rarely take units outside their degree subject. This means that:

  • Year 1 units are suitable for all students.
  • Year 2 units require some university study in a relevant discipline.
  • Year 3 units require a strong background in a relevant discipline.
  • Masters-level units require three years of study in the discipline.

Feature units

Literature and Culture

Year 1

Pre-requisites: suitable for all students.

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2


Year 2 

Pre-requisites: some university study in a relevant discipline (including History, Literature etc). 

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2

Year 3


Pre-requisites: strong background of study in a relevant discipline and familiarity with the region for non-MODL units (e.g. France, Italy, Russia etc).

Teaching Block 1

Teaching Block 2


MA-Level units

Pre-requisites: 3 years of undergraduate study in a relevant discipline and approval from the School of Modern Languages. Students may take only one per TB.

Teaching Block 1


Teaching Block 2

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Application queries

Contact the Centre for Study Abroad inbound team if you have any queries about the application process for the study abroad programmes:

Phone: +44 117 39 40207

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