Yujie Dai


Project Title: Personalized Antibiotics Prescribing based on Explainable AI 


Prof Andrew Dowsey, Bristol Veterinary School

Prof Raul Santos Rodriguez, School of Engingineering, Mathematics and Technology

General Profile:

I graduated from the Beijing Institute of Technology with a BSc in Software Engineering in 2020 and then worked as a research assistant there for one year. During this time, I have gained knowledge and experience in AI, machine learning, and constraint programming. I believe there is huge potential for AI to be applied to the healthcare field, providing a better quality of life for human beings.

In my graduate study, I decided to enhance my skills. In 2022, I completed my MSc in Artificial Intelligence with Distinction at the University of St Andrews. My final dissertation was investigating the relationship between the properties of human contact networks and the spread of diseases.

The charm of digital health brings me to the Digital Health and Care CDT programme. I am eager to further deepen my understanding of biology and medicine, combined with my computer science background. My main interest is developing clinical decision-support systems to address chronic diseases.

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