Yelu Gu

Project Title: Olfactory displays in exergames for people with dementia


Prof Kirsten Cater, School of Computer Science

Prof Liz Coulthard, Bristol Medical School

General Profile:

I graduated from Shanghai University of Sport with a BSc in Rehabilitation Therapy in 2019. When I participated in an undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship competition, I discovered my interest in e-health technologies, and designed a virtual reality game framework based on open-source code to educate the young how to manage the common injuries caused by marathon.

Then to enhance my professional skills, I enrolled in the MSc Exercise as Medicine programme at Loughborough University. With courses such as Emerging Digital Health Technologies, Measurement of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour, and Interventions for Physical Activity Promotion, the university laid down my foundation in digital healthcare and behaviour change.

I take pride in my four internships in hospitals for eight months. This experience enriched my familiarity with medical equipment, such as electric standing bed and exergames for rehabilitation.

My research interests lies in the use of digital technologies to manage the health of people with chronic conditions. I am eager to design and develop wearable devices and related software to improve individuals’ compliance with rehabilitation therapy.

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