Weiyi Li

E‌mail: weiyi.li@bristol.ac.uk

‌Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/weiyi-li-b56aa116a/

I received joint BEng degrees (1st Class) in Electronic Science and Technology from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China and the University of Liverpool, UK in 2020. After that, I obtained my master’s degree in Medical Robotics with Distinction at Imperial College London, UK in 2021. Upon graduation, I returned to China and joined Philips Healthcare as a System Engineer for almost 2 years, mainly working on the development of CT-guided intervention.

During my master’s study at Imperial College London, I found my unique interests in the field of healthcare technology. My master’s thesis was focusing on the optimization of modelling and control of surgical robot. In my professional career, I was the feature owner of CT-guided intervention device and software. Therefore, my academic interest is innovation in surgery and treatment, especially minimally invasive surgery. I am striving to optimize healthcare process by technological improvements.

CDT Digital Health and Care greatly fits my interests in the field of health technology. The EPSRC sponsored programme provides various resource and supports to healthcare research, diversified cohort from various backgrounds also contributes to the multidisciplinary research areas in healthcare. The excellent reputation of the University of Bristol in engineering and potential internal collaboration opportunities with other research groups is also quite attractive.

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