Ryan Beck


Choosing a BSc. in Psychology at Queens University Belfast (2014-2017) was a bit of a shot in the dark; I knew I wanted to help people with my career but wasn't sure how. After graduation this morphed into a job within the community mental health sector, where I worked for 6 years and began to develop a much clearer, more deliberate path for my career. We operated at the intersection of housing, complex mental health challenges, problematic substance use and forensic histories, and the experience was a principle inspiration for my eventual MSc. (distinction) in Applied Psychology & Mental Health Therapies from Ulster University (2021).

For all the value I found working in person-to-person services, I was keenly on the lookout for pathways that would encourage greater compound impact of effort. This brought me to University of Bristol’s Digital Health and Care CDT, wherein the partnering of novel digital modalities has enabled me to view research and service provision in a totally different light.

Being at the beginning of a 4-year process, I’m excited to see what doors are opened by the new skills learnt in the taught year, and how they can be applied to my research areas of interest, including conceptualisations of psychopathology, manifestations of substance use, and harm reduction pathways. More generally, I’m curious by nature and am fascinated by anything relating to the mind, arts, and beyond!

Always keen to collaborate, if you have any further questions or interest in what I am doing then please feel free to drop me an email at the above address.

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