Dina Molnar


Project Title: Multi-Modal Data Fusion for Human Activity Recognition for Parkinson’s Disease to monitor disease progression


James Pope - School of Engineering, Maths & Technology

Ayush Joshi - School of Engineering, Maths & Technology

Hanna Isotalus - School of Engineering, Maths & Technology

General Profile:

I am a highly motivated, versatile and proactive life science professional who is enthusiastic about digital health, entrepreneurship and translational research.

I have a bachelor's degree in Biomedicine, where I completed a 10-month-long independent research project in Prof. Bonnie Wallace's lab. During this time, I also worked in the research labs as a lab assistant and volunteered at a digital health accelerator called HS, and other student-led organisations focusing on entrepreneurship such as Innovation Forum UCL. This is where my passion for digital health really started; by seeing academic research or clinical knowledge translated into a product or service that benefits patients.

Next, I started a master's degree in Bio-business from which I earned a higher education diploma. During the course, I started working for a company called P4 Precision Medicine Accelerator, where I gained a deep understanding of what startups need to succeed. I also ended up working for two of the portfolio companies.

To consolidate my knowledge and become a thought leader in the field I decided to pursue a PhD in digital health. I would also like to start my own venture in the near future based on research conducted during my PhD programme.
My research interests lie in the skin, particularly in eczema, as both my sister and I are impacted and in women's health, especially in improving contraceptive care.

If you would like to collaborate on a project in my interest areas, please don't hesitate to reach out via email or LinkedIn.

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